Olive Oil is a wonderful addition to your diet. Here are 5 essential benefits of incorporating Olive Oil into your diet.
1. Olive oil promotes positive immune function. Olive oil is loaded with free radical–fighting antioxidants that may give you an immune boost when you need it. Many researchers believe that olive oil is unique, since many other oils fail in comparison when it comes to such a wide variety of antioxidants.
2.Feeling constipated? Olive oil has been found to be a natural way to help get rid of your uncomfortable constipation. A few teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil may do the trick. If you are not big on taking a shot of olive oil straight, you can couple it with the fiber power that salad greens offer for a constipation-breaking snack that is delicious.
3.Reduce your risk for developing breast cancer. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine (2015) found that a Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk for developing breast cancer by 68 percent. This study involved over 4,000 women at high cardiovascular risk between the ages of 60 and 80. The Mediterranean diet used in the study was supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil.
4.Reduce your blood pressure with olive oil. The blood pressure–reducing effects of olive oil are attributed to its level of oleic acid, according to research published in Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2008).
5.Olive oil may boost your sex life. Olive oil could possibly be the blood flow–boosting agent you need when it comes to those intimate moments. Forget that blue pill! Olive oil has been suggested to boost blood circulation, even to those much-needed areas. A study published in Pharmacological Research (2007) highlights olive oil’santi-atherogenic effects and its association with cardiovascular health.
There are many more un-mentioned benefits to using this wonderfully
healthy oil. Hope you begin to incorporate it today.
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